Minerva Fertility team consists of highly experienced doctors, scientists, and nurses dedicated to providing the highest quality of care.
Dr Antony Lighten
UK Trained Fertility Sub-Specialist. Medical Director and founder of Minerva Fertility
Dr Lighten has over 30 years of experience in treating patients with a broad range of complex fertility problems.
He is doubly qualified as a medical doctor and a science PhD, bringing a unique blend of clinical expertise and a strong foundation in evidence-based science to every treatment.
After years of helping others grow their families, he welcomed his own child, Kit, in 2019, after navigating his own fertility journey.
This deeply personal experience reshaped his perspective and inspired him to create a comprehensive fertility care ecosystem at Minerva Fertility and Bond Day Hospital.
Dr Greg Jenkins
Fertility Specialist, Obstetrician and Gynaecologist
Dr. Jenkins is a highly respected specialist in fertility, obstetrics, and gynaecology with over 30 years of experience.
He provides comprehensive, personalised care, ensuring continuity from fertility treatments, including IVF, through to pregnancy and delivery.
Dr David Mann
Consultant Dietitian & Nutritionist
Dr Mann has been working alongside Minerva Fertility specialists for over 15 years.
He assists patients with improving nutrition, dietary management of PCOS, and weight loss for improving fertility.
Sally Findlay provides essential psychological support.
Dr Clara Chu is a GP specialising in lifestyle medicine.
Professor Steven Boyages is a highly experienced and well-respected endocrinologist, supporting patients with hormone issues.
Our Nurses
Minerva Fertility has three experienced nurses with a special interest and passion for infertility and early pregnancy care.
Janeace, Natalie and Kathyrine will provide you with a boutique inspired approach to fertility treatment and care.
The nurses will be a constant support throughout your fertility journey.
Our Scientists
At the heart of the laboratory are our highly skilled embryologists. Tina and Eve have over 50 years of experience between them. Their skills cross all aspects in the laboratory.
You will meet the scientists before your egg collection or embryo transfer. They will share their expertise with you and will happily take your questions.
For more information, please email the Minerva Fertility IVF Nurses at nurse@minervafertility.com.au or call us on +61 2 8883 3319