Minerva Fertility team consists of highly experienced doctors, scientists, and nurses dedicated to providing the highest quality of care.


Ovaleap is an FSH injection used to stimulate follicle development. Password: WOMEN


Ovidrel is a synthetic form of hCG, used to induce ovulation and also to mature follicles in IVF cycles.


Ganirelix is an injection used to prevent premature ovulation in antagonist IVF cycles.


Luveris is an LH injection used, alongside FSH, to promote follicle development.


Synarel is a nasal spray used to prevent premature ovulation in agonist IVF cycles.

Utrogestan Pessaries

Utrogestan Pessaries are used to prepare the womb for implantation and to support early pregnancy.

For more information, please email the Minerva Fertility IVF Nurses at nurse@minervafertility.com.au or call us on +61 2 8883 3319